EQ Pixel Army Home Page


Terms of Use

Gnomish Portrait Machine

Artists & Credits



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  1. If you display a work created from or inspired by this site, you must:

    --leave the EQPA signature intact
    --include the EQPA & Me signature (if you make modifications to your portrait)
    EQPA & Me
    --provide a prominently displayed link, anywhere the picture is displayed.

  2. You may NOT redistribute any of the pieces on this site, including parts of the website itself, images, and code. Each part of this website is the intellectual property of the artists and authors, and is, as such, protected by copyright law.

  3. You may NOT direct link to any image on this site. We encourage you to link to our site to invite others to visit, but using a url from our site to display an image on another site is using up our bandwidth and can cost us quite a bit of money. Most web providers do not allow this, and will remove a customer's service for doing it. For more information on what direct linking is and why it is harmful, please visit Here or Here.

  4. Alteration of the bases and combination with parts from other doll or artist sites is strictly prohibited. The doll community calls this "frankendolling." For more information and frequently asked questions about our terms of use, please visit our Guidelines for Use F.A.Q., and feel free to ask any questions you may have in our forums.

Saving and displaying any image from this site indicates your agreement to the above terms. If you do not agree to these terms, we ask that you visit our links page and try to find something that's more to your taste.


We here at the EQPA have put a lot of hard work into making each and every one of the pieces you see on these pages. We drew, colored, detailed, chopped, saved, and uploaded all of these pieces ourselves... moving them from our brains to your eyes. As you can probably guess, we're all very proud of them.

We are very interested in helping you to have the personalized pixel portrait that you want! We tried our best to include a wide enough variety to include most of the armor colors and types, hairstyles, weapons, pets, and accessories seen in Norrath (and even a few more fun ones!). All of us are artists, and we're supportive of the intellectual propery rights and copyright protection of all art forms.

We hope that you, too, can understand and support those rights yourselves, maybe learn a little bit about it here, and even go on to producing good and better art work! We'd like to hope that what we've offered here is sufficient to make the picture that you want for yourself, and you wouldn't feel any need to edit, resize, recolor, redraw, amend, or in any way alter the work that we've done. Believe it or not, every pixel on every piece (yeah! that's a LOT of pixels!) was placed there carefully and with heart, and we'd like to see them stay that way.

Legacy of Ykesha with its armor dye sort of made that not very realistic, though, didn't it?

There's no way we could think of every possible color or hairstyle that every person who visits our site could want. Because of that, you may change the color of any piece in the machine to your preference.

We'd also like to mention that we've included an "EQPA" signature with each of the bases. Now, it's pretty easy to grab that eraser tool and get rid of it, but think about what you're doing. More than 30 people worked hard for many moons to make that piece of art, whether by our own hands or as supportive voices, and with just a few wiggles of the eraser or a well-placed cut, you're saying that the hard work we did doesn't matter to you. Tell us and the communities you visit (or the people who visit your site) that you support the rights of artists, you admire our work, you'd like other people to see, and leave that signature there or provide a link back to our site.

It's also pretty easy to grab a few pieces from the site, change a few things around here and there, and decide to call it yours. That's not really fair, though, is it? We all worked hard to create this stuff, and we'd like to see it stay the way we made it. If you're interested in learning how to make your very own "pixel portraits," come visit our forums! It's a great place to ask for tips and tricks, and all the artists of EQPA are happy to share! In fact, we'd be excited to see creations that you came up with by yourselves (and just as excited to feel like we helped other artists to grow). We even have links to other great places with tutorials and information to help you make your own by hand.

Thanks for visiting us and supporting us and our rights as artists! Have fun while you're here and spread the word, stop by the forums and say hi, and remember to support harmony in the art community.

Gen. Neilani Lauste
1st Division, EQPA

EverQuest © 1999-2002 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
Site Hosted by Tera-Byte
All images on this site are the collective property and original creation of the EQ Pixel Army and are protected under
copyright law. The work you find here may not be copied or altered without express permission of the artists,
except as the Terms of Use allow. Redistribution and/or direct linking are strictly prohibited.